Logistics of Zombie attack survival
Since moving into the new house at La Verna an urgent need to develop a contingency plan in case of Zombie attack has emerged. The proximity to the city centre and fact that the area is almost completely residential raises immediate concern any time I come close to home.
Know your foe:
First we have to understand what we are dealing with and so I will describe some typical attributes of the common zombie:
It is obvious that zombies are a formidable opponant to the living man when they appear in large quantites but don't be lulled into a false sense of security should you run into a lone undead on a quite nights stroll. At first you may try to attack it but if unarmed this is the wrong thing to do. I have been working on my initial reaction to first contact and I've broken it down into the 4 most likely scenarios:
The importance of an IUD:
A well though out Initial Undead Defense plan is the difference between life and death in a recently infected world. This should be studied often and memorised as well as your own name. Often should it be showed to knowledgable folk for advice including your local law enforcement agency. I will give some advice that should possibly be included in your plan, depending on your circumstances (remember a IUD is a very personal thing, just using someone else's is a recipe for disaster):
If there's one thing you must decide on before your IUD it's the choice of weaponary you will keep in the house at all times. This is a very personal thing and varies greatly amongst concerned people like myself. As you can see above I have gone for an assortment of close combat weapons. The reason for this is a combination of mainly three things: 1. firearms are illegal in this country, 2. the defence forces, when uneducted and in sight of a gun bearing individual in the middle of an undead orgy, will olmost always pick you out first and 3. guns have to be reloaded, axes don't.
Many others I know prefer the armed-to-the-teeth approach but this is a foolhardy approach in my opinion. Our main advantage over the zombie is our agility and speed. Take away these key factors and we will be struggling to get away from them!
First things to do NOW are stock up, get an IUD together and choose your defensive items. In future always be alert, logical (compassion has no part to play in warfare), close to your personal fortress and on the lookout for suspicious signs. I wish you all the best of luck and I hope my advice will save your life some day. Please do comment and make your own suggestions as I am hoping to learn all I can to defend myself and keep our great race in power.
Know your foe:
First we have to understand what we are dealing with and so I will describe some typical attributes of the common zombie:
- Arms (weaponary) are controlled by living flesh only.
- Various stages of decomposition reported (this can be advantageous).
- Nearly all human attributes lost including pulse, reliance on organs, compassion, rational though of any kind, sense of touch (including pain), etc.
- Relentlessly come for you when aware of your presence and have been known to attempt to get past an immovable object to no avail and with no rest for up to 9 months.
- Impervious to infection
- Have no ability/desire to reproduce.
- Display an almost comical slumping walk.
- Have greatly reduced eyesight but highly improved senses of hearing and smell (called hypersense). No evidence of any sense of taste either.
- Only seek human flesh, other species are ignored.
- Have strength only of host human (that deteriorates as body decomposes/muscle fibers break) but do not suffer fatigue.
- Are not fooled by members of the living acting like zombies.
- Have no ability to communicate with one another.
- Can live (being undead that is) underwater as easily as above (however decomposing flesh tends to float).
- Die when the cranuim is removed/destroyed.
It is obvious that zombies are a formidable opponant to the living man when they appear in large quantites but don't be lulled into a false sense of security should you run into a lone undead on a quite nights stroll. At first you may try to attack it but if unarmed this is the wrong thing to do. I have been working on my initial reaction to first contact and I've broken it down into the 4 most likely scenarios:
- At Work: As I work in an office that is below sea level I am at a major initial disadvantage if I become aware of an outbreak by any other way than the media (or the local early zombie warning system). This is unlikely however as my work is by the sea and therefore is not enclosed by a population of any great mass. If I do personally discover unwanted undead individuals in my workplace I will not e-mail my manager in disgust, instead will I knock my foe to the ground and crush it's skull with my computer monitor. If on the other hand I am informed by the media I shall immediately try to learn as much as I can about the infestations on my route to the nearest stronghold (currently my house), plan carefully, stock up but not burden myself, and then leave. Prayer is useless. Chances of survival: 42%
- While loitering: In this case it is almost certain that I will be made aware by personal contact as I don't listen to the radio (since Phantom FM went off the air). I will almost definitely be unarmed and hungover. In this state I will probably have missed all the early warning signs and be in the middle of a full class 3 outbreak. Defending human forces could quite easily, in thier haste and ignorance, mistake my pale drooping eyes for that of a ghoul's and destroy me onsite. Chances of survival: 15-18%
- In the pub: Do not learn from movies like Sean of the Dead. Chances of survival: 0%
- At home in La Verna: Were I to learn of an attack while in my house I would be in a good position to defend myself. I would first consult our IUD (Initial Undead Defense plan - see below) that is posted in many locations around the house to ensure I am up to date. I have large stockpiles of essential items including pennicillin, drinking water, weapons (including a battleaxe, a sword and other hand items), Tuborg, tinned food, entertainment (an underrated essential), a plug for you bathtub when collecting rainwater, some kind of petrol driven generator that also run as a pedalled bicycle, and many other items. The availablility of a living human female will also be essential to rebuild the race. Being our house inhabited by four males this may not be immediately at hand but I will address this situation later in this text. As my house also doubles as a dental surgery during the day, many other uncommon but useful items are avaiable to me that I will discover a use for when the demand arises. Chances of survival: 87%
The importance of an IUD:
A well though out Initial Undead Defense plan is the difference between life and death in a recently infected world. This should be studied often and memorised as well as your own name. Often should it be showed to knowledgable folk for advice including your local law enforcement agency. I will give some advice that should possibly be included in your plan, depending on your circumstances (remember a IUD is a very personal thing, just using someone else's is a recipe for disaster):
- Think about things that you will need and list them in order of essentialness (but grouped by place of retrieval) at the top of the document. When in crisis a quick read can then quickly prioritise in your mind what is needed on short notice.
- Include a graphical map of the optimum route between intended sites (possibly even a rip off copy to take with you). On this map have all distances marked and expected times to get from site to site. I personally have included a secondary route also. Remember, do not use yellow ink as this is hard to see under streetlight or in the evening.
- Obvious things to list would be many of those listed above but primarily ammunition (if firearms are at hand), personal weaponary (if they aren't), water, beer, matches, tinned food, pennicillin, female company and petrol for your generator. Secondary to these are more personal to the situation but would almost certainly include: wood panelling and nails for home reinforcement, vitimin supplements, spirits and mixers, firewood and insulation, and other sanitary produce. Tertiary would be entertainment items, cigars, bandanas, Cheech & Chong movies and chewing gum.
- Things must also be thought out logically; for example the first thing to do would be start the bath running before the water supply is cut off. After you get back you should move all usable items upstairs and destroy the staircase (very effective)
If there's one thing you must decide on before your IUD it's the choice of weaponary you will keep in the house at all times. This is a very personal thing and varies greatly amongst concerned people like myself. As you can see above I have gone for an assortment of close combat weapons. The reason for this is a combination of mainly three things: 1. firearms are illegal in this country, 2. the defence forces, when uneducted and in sight of a gun bearing individual in the middle of an undead orgy, will olmost always pick you out first and 3. guns have to be reloaded, axes don't.
Many others I know prefer the armed-to-the-teeth approach but this is a foolhardy approach in my opinion. Our main advantage over the zombie is our agility and speed. Take away these key factors and we will be struggling to get away from them!
First things to do NOW are stock up, get an IUD together and choose your defensive items. In future always be alert, logical (compassion has no part to play in warfare), close to your personal fortress and on the lookout for suspicious signs. I wish you all the best of luck and I hope my advice will save your life some day. Please do comment and make your own suggestions as I am hoping to learn all I can to defend myself and keep our great race in power.
Ross, this is only weird to those unprepared, closedminded prey amoung us. Don't be one.
Just a note, recent tests by a research laboritory in Poland have produced some startling results that seem to contradict previous findings. It appears that Rave music could be just as lethal to Zombies as it is to Humans. This will not be a huge advantage I would suspect as is it quite perilous to attempt to attack a prey being so vunerable oneself.
kevpatts, at 10:56 AM, February 24, 2006
this is excellent advice, i am going to get myself a samurai sword and a flamethrower just in case........
Red Leeroy, at 12:59 PM, May 28, 2007
An update on progress. Since I last posted here we have achieved my desired extra fortification. We have installed heavy steel doors that are very difficult to open, especially at 3am on a Sunday morning.
The wired NTL broadband solution has also been replaced by a wireless
provider (Irish Broadband).
I've also been studying the various items that the dental surgery keeps in stock, advanced first aid methods and recommended methods of amputation (on others or oneself).
The good work continues...
kevpatts, at 6:04 PM, October 20, 2007
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